South Osborne Food Buying Club: top three reasons to buy local, sustainable food

The South Osborne Community Cooperative has coordinated the South Osborne Food Buying Club for one whole year now, and it is now one of the largest in the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative network. The farmers are located in the Clearwater, Manitoba, area, and you can have everything from sustainably-raised meats to organic veggies and grains delivered to your neighbourhood once a month for pickup. Here are the top three reasons why you should buy local.

1. It’s environmentally friendly: Considering it takes upwards of 1,500 miles on average to get your food to your kitchen, buying from local suppliers whenever possible cuts out much of the greenhouse gas emissions needed for travel, cooling and storage.

2. It’s more personable: “Meet Your Farmer” is the slogan of the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative. The farmers in this group take turns delivering the food on the monthly drop off date, and they want to meet you.

3. It’s healthier and tastes better: Organic or antibiotic-free foods are not only better for you, but taste better too. Don’t take my word for it. You be the judge.

Start buying local today by e-mailing Evan at for more information on how you can join the South Osborne Local Food Buying Club. Read here for more information on what a food buying club is.

Farmers from the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative and the South Osborne Food Buying Club networks greet custsomers on the Sat., July 16, pick up.

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