Fruit Share Winnipeg growing astronomically and all of Winnipeg knows it

According to a blog at, the once-little not-for-profit just signed up its 100th volunteer. They also now have more than 50 fruit owners signed up, so the volunteers will have plenty of fruit and rhubarb to harvest this year.

For those unfamiliar with the organization, Fruit Share rescues fruit from going to waste by recruiting volunteers to pick fruit where it otherwise won’t get picked. Perhaps a homeowner just has too much fruit growing on their property and would like to see it go to good use. One-third of the fruit picked goes to the homeowner, one-third to the volunteer and the remainder is donated to organizations such as Winnipeg Harvest.

Fruit Share and its founder Getty Stewart made the cover of the Metro on June 8, 2011, making the organization well on its way to becoming a household name. Congratulations Fruit Share!

To volunteer to pick fruit, register here. If you have fruit to register, sign up here.

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